King Kong vs Mechagodzilla

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Apex another working title for Godzilla vs. Kong, is an American science fiction monster picture set for release in 2021, after Legendary Pictures' Godzilla: King of Monsters in 2019 and serving as a prequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Adam Wingard directed the film, which was written by Michael Dougherty and Zach Shields. Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields collaborated on the script. Godzilla and Kong square fight five years after Ghidorah's rampage in Godzilla vs. Kong, which takes place five years after King of the Monsters.

A follow-up sequel for the film is in development.

Godzilla vs. Kong pits two of the world's most feared monsters against one other. After a perilous journey, Kong and his guards finally arrive at Jia, an orphaned child with whom Kong has formed an unshakable bond of affection and devotion. They find themselves in the path of an enraged Godzilla. Just the beginning of a far greater puzzle awaiting us deep inside the Earth's core.

In 2024, Godzilla and Kong are the only active Titans on Earth, five years after Godzilla slew his alien foe Ghidorah. A storm created by Ghidorah combined with the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused its climate to become unstable, leading Monarch to confine Kong within a dome-shaped facility with an orphaned young Iwi girl called Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong through sign language.

However, when Jia pays a visit to Kong and extends a doll to him, the Titan notices and promptly throws a tree at it, realizing that he is stuck within the biodome.

Bernie Hayes, an employee of the Apex Cybernetics company and the host of a Titan conspiracy theory podcast called the Titan Truth Podcast, leaks information about sinister activities at a Pensacola Apex facility. As he finishes downloading the files, Godzilla appears and attacks. During Godzilla's rampage, Bernie finds a strange piece of technology that looks like a huge robotic eye in the ruins of the building.

Since Skull Island is no longer able to contain Kong (because Kong has grown too large), Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with his idea of using Kong as their navigator in order to lead them to the energy source. Ilene first rejects the task, but when Nathan convinces her that this is the only way to end Godzilla's rampage and find a new home for Kong, she agrees.

Their struggle is interrupted up, however, when Godzilla is thrown off by depth charges, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Because there is no other option, Nathan decides that the group should turn off all of the ships' engines to fool Godzilla into thinking he has destroyed them and Kong has been defeated, which they eventually do. Godzilla looks at the shattered fleet with interest and then swims away, assuming he has triumphed. Realizing that reactivating the ships may allow Godzilla to return, the party decides to fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entrance site in Antarctica, where Ghidorah was initially frozen. Jia explains to Kong that his house is via the front door, but he is hesitant to walk through it.

Knowing Kong won't survive in the cold and that they won't be able to return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks there are others like him down there, and she tells Jia to ask Kong about his family, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and agrees to help them with their investigation. They arrive to Apex headquarters to find that the "eye" Bernie described earlier has disappeared. The group sealed and transported Skullcrawler eggs by mistake while carrying them to Hong Kong through an underground tunnel.

The three disembark and discover Apex's ultimate weapon "Mechagodzilla", a mechanical version of Godzilla, operated by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son and Walter's main technological officer Ren Serizawa. As soon as Mechagodzilla is started, Walter releases a gigantic adult Skullcrawler designated "Number 10" into the room. Mechagodzilla grabs and restrains the Skullcrawler, who is then cleaved in two by a tremendous red energy beam, enabling Madison, Josh, and Bernie to take cover in a tiny hatch. However, because to power supply limits, the mecha shuts down soon after the test.

The Hollow Earth has a biosphere comparable to Skull Island. One of their HEAVs is destroyed by a Warbat as they are investigating the region. Despite Kong's heroics, he is ultimately brought down by the second Warbat, who recovers after being knocked unconscious by the corpse of the first. In order to let Kong escape and kill the Warbat with his bare hands, Nathan's squad used their HEAV to assault the Warbat before smothering him.

A magnificent stone temple belongs to Kong's forefathers, Kong and Nathan's squad begin their trek. On their way inside, they discover relics of an old battle between Kong and Godzilla's race, and Kong discovers an antique axe crafted from a dead Godzilla's race member's dorsal plate. This power source may also replenish Kong's axe. Despite Ilene's protests that Apex cannot just grab the discovery of the century, Maia and the Apex crew utilize spider-like drones to collect the power source and send it back to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia's guards fire at Nathan's crew, but Kong passionately screams back. When Godzilla detects Mechagodzilla's activation, he rushes for Hong Kong.

When Godzilla detects Kong's presence in the Hollow Earth, he uses his atomic breath to bore a tunnel through the biosphere, forcing the temple to collapse. While Kong and Nathan's team fight off a flock of Hellhawks, Maia and her team try to flee in their HEAV, only for Kong to grab it on their way out and, despite Maia's attempts to shoot him in order to flee, he instantly crushes the aircraft in his hand after peeking inside to make sure Jia, Ilene, and Nathan aren't inside, killing Maia and her personnel inside.

Hearing Godzilla's scream as he gives Kong with another challenge, Kong accepts and continues with his axe in hand to Hong Kong as Ilene, Nathan and Jia pursue him in their HEAV through the hole made by Godzilla's atomic breath. Arriving in Hong Kong, King takes against Godzilla once more, this time getting the upper hand over the Titan, eventually shoveling his axe down Godzilla's throat to prevent him from launching his atomic breath. Kong discovers that his axe is capable of both blocking and absorbing Godzilla's atomic breath, and he uses it to stab the Titan in the thigh before Godzilla can remove and discard the axe. Using the Hong Kong skyline and his greater agility, Kong evades and dodges Godzilla's blows before retrieving and charging his axe, which he then unleashes on the monster, causing an explosion that knocks both Titans off their feet, leading Nathan to assume that Kong has won the rematch.

On their feet again after being knocked down, Godzilla and Kong are each looking for each other while perched on the top of a building. A construction crane is thrown into an apartment building, distracting Godzilla enough for Kong to ambush him from above and place the Titan in a chokehold, intending to strangle him, but Godzilla breaks free and unleashes his full fury against Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong trying to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh. Godzilla roars at Kong as he is subjugated and held down, while Kong violently roars in defiance at Godzilla as he is beaten.

Walter instructs Ren to send out Mechagodzilla to slay Godzilla back at the Apex headquarters. Despite Ren's warnings not to use the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, Walter dismisses Ren's pleas and tells him to activate the mecha. At the same time, security apprehends Bernie, Madison, and Josh for penetrating Apex headquarters and transports them to Walter. Madison blames Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and caused all of this to begin with, yet he boldly responds that he took responsibility for allowing humans to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans.

Unknown to Walter as his back is turned while he monologues about his creation, Mechagodzilla suddenly goes haywire under the influence of both the energy source and Ghidorah's neural networks, resulting in the robot killing Walter with a swipe of its hand and Ren's death by electrocution. Mechagodzilla, now possessed by Ghidorah's consciousness, breaks free from the Apex facility underneath Victoria Peak Mountain and rampages through the city before Godzilla confronts it. Quickly coming into contact with Godzilla, Mechagodzilla fires a barrage of missiles at its organic counterpart before the two engage in battle.

While Josh and Bernie fail to remotely disable the rampaging robot, and Madison calls for aid from Mark, Godzilla and Mechagodzilla fight, each firing their energy beams at each other, locking together, only for Mechagodzilla to win, knocking Godzilla down and burning him. The trio approach an unconscious Kong, where Jia notices his pulse decreasing. They can't produce a big enough charge to restart Kong's heart, but Nathan remembers Maia's earlier comment about the HEAVs producing enough power to power Las Vegas for a week, so he flies the remaining HEAV onto Kong's chest and sets it to self-destruct, detonating the craft and releasing a huge electrical charge that instantly revives Kong.

Kong leaps atop Mechagodzilla and deflects Godzilla's life-threatening crimson energy beam into the air. After recognizing Kong saved his life and that he is not a foe, Godzilla assists Kong in fighting Mechagodzilla.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot outsmarts them and defeats them. Kong reclaims his axe from the ruins after losing it during his previous encounter with Godzilla, and strikes numerous blows on Mechagodzilla, but his weapon has lost its charge, and his weapon is worthless against the robot, which seeks to kill Kong with its tail drill. All appears lost for Kong and Godzilla, while Bernie, recognizing he and the others have no choice but to drink, takes out a flask of bourbon and suggests they all have a drink. Josh, however, rips the flask from Bernie's grip and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to halt for a brief while, allowing Godzilla and Kong to regroup and reclaim the upper hand.

Seeing Kong clutching his axe, Godzilla supercharges it by blasting the weapon with his atomic breath, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla limb from limb and tearing its head off before holding up his prize with a tremendous cry of victory and sitting down to rest.

The site's summary of audience evaluations had a similar sentiment, writing that "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." Indeed, critics largely enjoyed the film's monster brawling portion, but some voiced dissatisfaction in the "half-baked" human part of the picture. The film was credited with breaking a five-day weekend box office slump fueled by the COVID-19 outbreak, earning an estimated $48.5 million dollars by Sunday morning. WarnerMedia did not reveal viewership data for the film on HBO Max, but maintained that it had the highest viewership of any series or feature published on the channel since its introduction. The picture also enjoyed tremendous overseas ticket sales, with an extra haul of around $236 million in non-U.S. countries.

Godzilla vs. Kong has topped the overall box office of Godzilla: King of the Monsters on April 17, 2021, although still having a relatively lower box office owing to the outbreak.

With a length of 113 minutes, Godzilla vs. Kong is the shortest chapter in the MonsterVerse.

The film has several references to Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Kong, like Godzilla, jumps from ship to ship in order to avoid an angel.

The location of Mechagodzilla's base is similar to that of the Central Dogma, being subterranean and topped by a pyramid.


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